hart_2.c-----包含了HART主机需要调用的计算校验函数,串口发送函数和HART数据帧生成函数.-I uploaded a few. C files for their own written code, is the extensive use of automation equipment on the HART protocol between the host and from the communication process (through the serial port). Hart_2.c----- contains HART hosts need to call the calculation of calibration functions, serial port to send data fr a mes HART function and generating function.
hart_2.c-----包含了HART主机需要调用的计算校验函数,串口发送函数和HART数据帧生成函数.-I uploaded a few. C files for their own written code, is the extensive use of automation equipment on the HART protocol between the host and from the communication process (through the serial port). Hart_2.c----- contains HART hosts need to call the calculation of calibration functions, serial port to send data fr a mes HART function and generating function.