In 1838, Charles Wheatstone invented the world’s first stereoscopic viewer based on Renaissance theories of
perspective. Constructed of an assortment of angled mirrors, his invention contained two separate drawings—
one for the left eye and one for the right. When both images were observed at the same time, Wheatstone’s
viewing device produced a stereo image.-In 1838, Charles Wheatstone invented the world s first stereoscopic viewer based on Renaissance theories ofperspective. Constructed of an assortment of angled mirrors, his invention contained two separate drawings-one for the left eye and one for the right. When both images were observed at the same time, Wheatstone sviewing device produced a stereo image.
perspective. Constructed of an assortment of angled mirrors, his invention contained two separate drawings—
one for the left eye and one for the right. When both images were observed at the same time, Wheatstone’s
viewing device produced a stereo image.-In 1838, Charles Wheatstone invented the world s first stereoscopic viewer based on Renaissance theories ofperspective. Constructed of an assortment of angled mirrors, his invention contained two separate drawings-one for the left eye and one for the right. When both images were observed at the same time, Wheatstone sviewing device produced a stereo image.