提出了一种基于角度信息的约束总体最小二乘无源定位算法. 该算法首
先将非线性的观测方程转化为线性方程, 并分析了观测噪声对线性方程系数的
影响, 从而能够将无源定位问题等价为一个约束总体最小二乘问题, 然后又将该
有约束的优化问题变为无约束的优化问题, 并利用Newton 算法进行迭代求解,
最后分析了约束总体最小二乘算法的定位误差. 计算机仿真结果验证了该算法
的可行性和有效性.-Based on the perspective of constrained total least squares information Passive Location Algorithm. The algorithm first observation of nonlinear equations into linear equations, and analysis of observational noise on the coefficient of linear equations, which can be Passive positioning of the equivalent bound for a total least squares problem, and then to have constrained optimization problem into unconstrained optimization problem and use iterative Newton algorithm, and finally an analysis of total least squares algorithm for constrained the positioning error. The computer simulation results verify the feasibility of the algorithm and effectiveness.
先将非线性的观测方程转化为线性方程, 并分析了观测噪声对线性方程系数的
影响, 从而能够将无源定位问题等价为一个约束总体最小二乘问题, 然后又将该
有约束的优化问题变为无约束的优化问题, 并利用Newton 算法进行迭代求解,
最后分析了约束总体最小二乘算法的定位误差. 计算机仿真结果验证了该算法
的可行性和有效性.-Based on the perspective of constrained total least squares information Passive Location Algorithm. The algorithm first observation of nonlinear equations into linear equations, and analysis of observational noise on the coefficient of linear equations, which can be Passive positioning of the equivalent bound for a total least squares problem, and then to have constrained optimization problem into unconstrained optimization problem and use iterative Newton algorithm, and finally an analysis of total least squares algorithm for constrained the positioning error. The computer simulation results verify the feasibility of the algorithm and effectiveness.
相关搜索: 无源定位