Oracle WebServer是一个与Oracle7 Server紧密集成的HTTP服务器,能够由存储在 Oracle数据库的数据建立动态HTML文件。当数据改变时,这些HTML文件也自动更新,
而不需要站点管理员的参与。这种方法用动态地实时地反映基于Oracle7服务器的商务系统中的当前数据,而不是当今大多数站点上可见到的静态的或不变的数据显示。商务数据是存储在oracle7数据库中的。它在服务器中被格式化为Web文档,然后传输给Web客户机。所有数据只存储一次,依据Web上的使用需要而定期进行“快照”。-Oracle WebServer is an Oracle7 Server is tightly integrated with the HTTP server, can by stored in the Oracle database to create dynamic HTML documents. When the data changes, the HTML document will also be updated automatically without the need for site administrator participation. This method used to dynamically reflect the real-time business based on Oracle7 server system current data, rather than the current site can be seen most of the static, or unchanging data. Business data is stored in the database oracle7. It on the server was formatted as a Web document, and then transmit them to the Web client. All data are stored only once, based on the use of Web on a regular basis needs a
而不需要站点管理员的参与。这种方法用动态地实时地反映基于Oracle7服务器的商务系统中的当前数据,而不是当今大多数站点上可见到的静态的或不变的数据显示。商务数据是存储在oracle7数据库中的。它在服务器中被格式化为Web文档,然后传输给Web客户机。所有数据只存储一次,依据Web上的使用需要而定期进行“快照”。-Oracle WebServer is an Oracle7 Server is tightly integrated with the HTTP server, can by stored in the Oracle database to create dynamic HTML documents. When the data changes, the HTML document will also be updated automatically without the need for site administrator participation. This method used to dynamically reflect the real-time business based on Oracle7 server system current data, rather than the current site can be seen most of the static, or unchanging data. Business data is stored in the database oracle7. It on the server was formatted as a Web document, and then transmit them to the Web client. All data are stored only once, based on the use of Web on a regular basis needs a