关于概念漂移的一些英文资料,可以用在个性化信息过滤系统中,希望对学习兴趣漂移的朋友有帮助。-On the concept of drift some English information can be used in a personalized information filtering system, in the hope that interest in learning has helped friends drift.
............\Adaptation to Drifting User's Interests.pdf
............\An Adaptive Algorithm for Learning Changes in User Interests.pdf
............\Gradual Forgetting for Adaptation to Concept Drift(5).pdf
............\Incremental Rule Learning based on Example Nearness.pdf
............\Learning Evolving ConceptsUsing Partial-Memory Approach(3).pdf
............\Learning in the Presence of Concept Drift and Hidden Contexts(2).pdf
............\Tracking Changes in User Interests with a Few.pdf
............\Tracking Context Changes through Meta-Learning(4).pdf
............\Tracking Drifting Concepts by Time Window.pdf
............\Visualizing Concept Drift.pdf
............\Adaptation to Drifting User's Interests.pdf
............\An Adaptive Algorithm for Learning Changes in User Interests.pdf
............\Gradual Forgetting for Adaptation to Concept Drift(5).pdf
............\Incremental Rule Learning based on Example Nearness.pdf
............\Learning Evolving ConceptsUsing Partial-Memory Approach(3).pdf
............\Learning in the Presence of Concept Drift and Hidden Contexts(2).pdf
............\Tracking Changes in User Interests with a Few.pdf
............\Tracking Context Changes through Meta-Learning(4).pdf
............\Tracking Drifting Concepts by Time Window.pdf
............\Visualizing Concept Drift.pdf