-5-1.asm voice signal corresponding to the fifth chapter of the collection and play the main program (2) 5-2.asm voice signal corresponding to the fifth chapter of the collection and broadcast interrupt vector procedures (3) 5-3.cmd the corresponding section five chapters of the speech signal acquisition and playback configuration file (4) 5-4.asm corresponds to voice signals in Chapter V u/A law compression procedure (5) 5-5.m corresponds to Chapter V of the simulation Speech Denoising procedures (6) 5-6.asm counterparts Speech Denoising Chapter V of the main program (7) 5-7.c corresponding Chapter V CVSD coded C language program code (8) 5-8.asm corresponding Chapter V CVSD decoding procedures (9) 5-9.asm corresponding Chapter V CVSD coding procedures.
-5-1.asm voice signal corresponding to the fifth chapter of the collection and play the main program (2) 5-2.asm voice signal corresponding to the fifth chapter of the collection and broadcast interrupt vector procedures (3) 5-3.cmd the corresponding section five chapters of the speech signal acquisition and playback configuration file (4) 5-4.asm corresponds to voice signals in Chapter V u/A law compression procedure (5) 5-5.m corresponds to Chapter V of the simulation Speech Denoising procedures (6) 5-6.asm counterparts Speech Denoising Chapter V of the main program (7) 5-7.c corresponding Chapter V CVSD coded C language program code (8) 5-8.asm corresponding Chapter V CVSD decoding procedures (9) 5-9.asm corresponding Chapter V CVSD coding procedures.