KmdTut是一份以Win32汇编语言来开发Kernel mode驱动程序的教程,读者可以从http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/下载最新的英文版本,为了使用本教程,你还需要下载Kernel mode驱动程序开发包KmdKit,更多信息请参考http://www.wasm.ru/(很不幸,是俄文的,倒ing~~~)
0.2 关于KmdKit
KmdKit的全称是Kernel Mode Driver development Kit for assembly language programmers,即内核模式驱动程序汇编开发包,KmdKit中包括了用宏汇编编译器开发驱动程序需要用到的所有东西。
你可以从http://www.wasm.ru/或者http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/下载到最新版本的KmdKit。-To KmdTut is a Win32 assembly language to develop Kernel mode driver tutorial, readers can download the latest http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/ the English version, in order to use this tutorial, you also need to download the Kernel mode driver development kit KmdKit, more information please refer to http://www.wasm.ru/ (Unfortunately, it is Russian, but ing ~ ~ ~) 0.2 on KmdKit KmdKit full name is the Kernel Mode Driver development Kit for assembly language programmers, that is, the compilation of kernel mode driver development kit, KmdKit includes macro assembler compiler used to develop drivers for all the things needed. You can download from http://www.wasm.ru/ or http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/ to the latest version of KmdKit.
0.2 关于KmdKit
KmdKit的全称是Kernel Mode Driver development Kit for assembly language programmers,即内核模式驱动程序汇编开发包,KmdKit中包括了用宏汇编编译器开发驱动程序需要用到的所有东西。
你可以从http://www.wasm.ru/或者http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/下载到最新版本的KmdKit。-To KmdTut is a Win32 assembly language to develop Kernel mode driver tutorial, readers can download the latest http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/ the English version, in order to use this tutorial, you also need to download the Kernel mode driver development kit KmdKit, more information please refer to http://www.wasm.ru/ (Unfortunately, it is Russian, but ing ~ ~ ~) 0.2 on KmdKit KmdKit full name is the Kernel Mode Driver development Kit for assembly language programmers, that is, the compilation of kernel mode driver development kit, KmdKit includes macro assembler compiler used to develop drivers for all the things needed. You can download from http://www.wasm.ru/ or http://www.freewebs.com/four-f/ to the latest version of KmdKit.