一. 实验目的
二. 实验的输入输出
(1) 执行程序时,可输入源程序的路径,如果输入为空的话,将会编译默认的源程序“./input.dat”
(2) 如果编译发现有错误,则会输出错误行数,并在结束编译时输出“Complete!”
三. 语法结构
四. 分析器主要代码
五 小结-1. The experiment was designed to prepare and debug a grammar analysis of procedures, better understanding of the analysis of grammar understanding of the principles. Can compile the basic structure of c language, including the cycle of nested and nested conditions.二. Experimental input and output (1) implementation of procedures, they can enter the source path, if the input is empty, it will compile the source code by default
二. 实验的输入输出
(1) 执行程序时,可输入源程序的路径,如果输入为空的话,将会编译默认的源程序“./input.dat”
(2) 如果编译发现有错误,则会输出错误行数,并在结束编译时输出“Complete!”
三. 语法结构
四. 分析器主要代码
五 小结-1. The experiment was designed to prepare and debug a grammar analysis of procedures, better understanding of the analysis of grammar understanding of the principles. Can compile the basic structure of c language, including the cycle of nested and nested conditions.二. Experimental input and output (1) implementation of procedures, they can enter the source path, if the input is empty, it will compile the source code by default