本文介绍了嵌入式系统的概念, 分析了μC/OS 的内核结构, 并详细介绍了在具有ARM 体系结构的S3C44B0 微处理器
上进行μC/OS 操作系统的移植和应用程序及驱动程序的开发。-This paper introduces the concept of embedded systems, analysis of the μC/OS kernel structure, and described in detail with ARM microprocessor architecture S3C44B0 on μC/OS operating system and application of transplantation procedures and driver development .
上进行μC/OS 操作系统的移植和应用程序及驱动程序的开发。-This paper introduces the concept of embedded systems, analysis of the μC/OS kernel structure, and described in detail with ARM microprocessor architecture S3C44B0 on μC/OS operating system and application of transplantation procedures and driver development .