CSM100 是集成微处理器、 CAN-bus 控制
器、CAN-bus收发器、DC/DC 模块、高速光
电隔离于一体的嵌入式 CAN转 UART 芯片。
该产品可以很方便地嵌入到具有 UART
接口的设备中, 在不需改变原有硬件结构的
前提下使设备获得 CAN-bus 通讯接口, 实现
具有 UART 设备和 CAN-bus 网络之间的数据
通讯。其中 UART 通道支持多种波特率,范
围在:600-115200bps 之间可选,CAN-bus
支持 5–1000Kbps共 15 种标准波特率。 -CSM100 microprocessor is an integrated, CAN-bus controller, CAN-bus transceiver, DC/DC modules, high-speed optoelectronic integrated isolation switch to UART chip embedded CAN. The product can be easily embedded with a UART interface devices, without changing the hardware structure of the original equipment was under the premise of CAN-bus communication interface, UART device and realize with CAN-bus network of data communication. UART channel which supports a wide range of baud rate, the range of between :600-115200bps optional, CAN-bus support 5-1000Kbps total of 15 kinds of standard baud rate.
器、CAN-bus收发器、DC/DC 模块、高速光
电隔离于一体的嵌入式 CAN转 UART 芯片。
该产品可以很方便地嵌入到具有 UART
接口的设备中, 在不需改变原有硬件结构的
前提下使设备获得 CAN-bus 通讯接口, 实现
具有 UART 设备和 CAN-bus 网络之间的数据
通讯。其中 UART 通道支持多种波特率,范
围在:600-115200bps 之间可选,CAN-bus
支持 5–1000Kbps共 15 种标准波特率。 -CSM100 microprocessor is an integrated, CAN-bus controller, CAN-bus transceiver, DC/DC modules, high-speed optoelectronic integrated isolation switch to UART chip embedded CAN. The product can be easily embedded with a UART interface devices, without changing the hardware structure of the original equipment was under the premise of CAN-bus communication interface, UART device and realize with CAN-bus network of data communication. UART channel which supports a wide range of baud rate, the range of between :600-115200bps optional, CAN-bus support 5-1000Kbps total of 15 kinds of standard baud rate.