ATAPI标准资料。硬盘接口IDE(Integrated Drive Electronies)也称AT总线接口,是当前新型硬盘驱动器普遍采用的一种接口。它最早由Texan和Compaq公司提出,目的是把硬盘控制器嵌入到驱动器中。1988年10月,ANSI中的X3T9.2工作组的一个委员会开始讨论IDE的有关问题。1993年2月发表了该标准的3.1版本,使其成为了正式的ANSI标准,并赋予了一个新的名称--ATA(AT Attachment)。从概念上说,ATA与IDE具有基本相同的含义。
-ATAPI standards. Hard disk interface IDE (Integrated Drive Electronies), also known as AT bus interface, is the new hard disk drive widely used as a interface. It was first proposed by the Texan and the Compaq company, which aims to hard disk controller embedded into the drive. October 1988, ANSI Working Group X3T9.2 of a committee started to discuss issues related to IDE. February 1993 published the standard 3.1 version, making it a formal ANSI standard, and given the name of a new ATA (AT Attachment). Conceptually, ATA and IDE have basically the same meaning.
-ATAPI standards. Hard disk interface IDE (Integrated Drive Electronies), also known as AT bus interface, is the new hard disk drive widely used as a interface. It was first proposed by the Texan and the Compaq company, which aims to hard disk controller embedded into the drive. October 1988, ANSI Working Group X3T9.2 of a committee started to discuss issues related to IDE. February 1993 published the standard 3.1 version, making it a formal ANSI standard, and given the name of a new ATA (AT Attachment). Conceptually, ATA and IDE have basically the same meaning.
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