世界上第一款博客内容加密软件面世了!现在绝大多数博客没有提供访问授权功能,即使有少部分网路运营商提供了一部分的访问控制功能(如QQ空间)但这依然不够灵活。这款加密软件专门为加密博客内容而设计,为你提供精确到每篇帖子内容的访问控制能力。用户只需要对不同文章设置不同的密码,并把不同的密码分发给不同级别的用户,就可以实现文章访问权限的精确控制,这也是设计这款软件的初衷。更多加密软件请访问ChinaPGP项目网站http://hi.baidu.com/ChinaPGP-The world s first blog content encryption software has been released! Now the vast majority of blog does not provide access to authorized functions, even if there is a small number of network operators to provide part of the access control functions (such as QQ space) but this is still not flexible enough. This encryption software for encrypting content blog designed to provide you with precise content of each post s ability to access control. Users only need to set up different article of different passwords and different passwords distributed to different levels of users can access the article realize precise control, this is also the original intention of the design software. More ChinaPGP encryption software please visit the project website http://hi.baidu.com/ChinaPGP