2、 到医院看病的过程是,患者先排队等候,排队过程中主要重复两件事:
(1) 病人到达诊室时,将病例交给护士,排到等候队列中候诊。
(2) 护士从等候队列中取出下一个患者的病例,该患者进入诊室就诊。
在排队时按照“先到先服务”的原则。设计一个算法模拟病人等候就诊的过程。-2, to process the hospital, the patient first in line to wait in line to repeat the process two main things: (1) patients reached the clinic, it will be handed over cases of nurses, into the waiting queue waiting. (2) nurses removed from the queue waiting for a patient
(1) 病人到达诊室时,将病例交给护士,排到等候队列中候诊。
(2) 护士从等候队列中取出下一个患者的病例,该患者进入诊室就诊。
在排队时按照“先到先服务”的原则。设计一个算法模拟病人等候就诊的过程。-2, to process the hospital, the patient first in line to wait in line to repeat the process two main things: (1) patients reached the clinic, it will be handed over cases of nurses, into the waiting queue waiting. (2) nurses removed from the queue waiting for a patient