1. 在济南大学中有8 个 代表性的景点,可以把他们抽象城一个无向带权图。用图的顶点 表示学校的景点,用比昂上的权值表示两景点之间的距离。
2. 设计次程序的目的在为用户提供景点查询。根据用户需要的景点起始点和终点输出相应的距离,或者用户输入景点名称输出给用户景点信息。
-1. University in Jinan has 8 representative spots, you can abstract them to bring the city a right of Fig. Vertex graph express school spots, with Bjorn on the weights express the distance between two spots. 2. The design meeting for the purpose of proceedings to provide users with spots in the query. Attractions based on user needs a starting point and the distance between the end of the corresponding output, or user input the name of the output to the user Attractions Attractions information.
2. 设计次程序的目的在为用户提供景点查询。根据用户需要的景点起始点和终点输出相应的距离,或者用户输入景点名称输出给用户景点信息。
-1. University in Jinan has 8 representative spots, you can abstract them to bring the city a right of Fig. Vertex graph express school spots, with Bjorn on the weights express the distance between two spots. 2. The design meeting for the purpose of proceedings to provide users with spots in the query. Attractions based on user needs a starting point and the distance between the end of the corresponding output, or user input the name of the output to the user Attractions Attractions information.