Apriori算法是一种最有影响的挖掘布尔关联规则频繁项集的算法。本文简单介绍了Apfiofi算法,提出了Apfiofi算法的改进方案—— 长项优先的产生算法,它基于传统Apriori算法,通过改变候选项集的产生顺序来减少数据库访问。从而提高效率-Apriori algorithm is one of the most influential Boolean association rules mining frequent itemsets algorithms. This article briefly introduced Apfiofi algorithm, Algorithm Apfiofi program- the emergence of long-priority algorithms, which are based on the traditional Apriori algorithm, by changing the further set of options for selecting the order to reduce the database access. Thereby enhancing efficiency
Arithmetic of Long Itemset Preferential:Improved Apriori Arithmetic.pdf