java实现系统目录树控件 //导入以下类
import cn.xcode.fr a mework.gui.useModule.xFilesTree.FilesTreeManager
FilesTreeManager ftm=new FilesTreeManager() //新增一个文件目录树总管对象
JTree tree=ftm.getFilesTree() //新增一个JTree对象,把ftm.getFilesTree()赋值给它这个树就是系统文件目录树了;
ftm.setShowHidenFiles(true) //设置是否显示隐藏文件
ftm.setShowFilesMode(ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL) //显示的模式有两种(ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL 显示全部
-java realization of the system directory tree control// into the following categories of import cn.xcode.fr a mework.gui.useModule.xFilesTree.FilesTreeManager// in the panel to initialize the local FilesTreeManager ftm = new FilesTreeManager ()// add a file directory Object Explorer tree JTree tree = ftm.getFilesTree ()// add a JTree object to ftm.getFilesTree () assigned to it by the tree is a tree system files ftm.setShowHidenFiles (true)// Set whether to display hidden document ftm.setShowFilesMode (ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL)// show mode, there are two (ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL Show All
import cn.xcode.fr a mework.gui.useModule.xFilesTree.FilesTreeManager
FilesTreeManager ftm=new FilesTreeManager() //新增一个文件目录树总管对象
JTree tree=ftm.getFilesTree() //新增一个JTree对象,把ftm.getFilesTree()赋值给它这个树就是系统文件目录树了;
ftm.setShowHidenFiles(true) //设置是否显示隐藏文件
ftm.setShowFilesMode(ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL) //显示的模式有两种(ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL 显示全部
-java realization of the system directory tree control// into the following categories of import cn.xcode.fr a mework.gui.useModule.xFilesTree.FilesTreeManager// in the panel to initialize the local FilesTreeManager ftm = new FilesTreeManager ()// add a file directory Object Explorer tree JTree tree = ftm.getFilesTree ()// add a JTree object to ftm.getFilesTree () assigned to it by the tree is a tree system files ftm.setShowHidenFiles (true)// Set whether to display hidden document ftm.setShowFilesMode (ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL)// show mode, there are two (ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL Show All