假设学校共有教职工约1000人,10个行政部门和8个系部。每个月20日前各部门(包括系、部)要将出勤情况上报人事处,23日前人事处将出勤工资、奖金及扣款清单送财务处。财务处于每月月底将教职工的工资表做好并将数据送银行。每月初(3日前)将工资条发给各单位。若有员工调入、调出、校内调动、离退休等数据变化,则由人事处通知相关部门和财务处。-The assumption that schools offer a total staff of about 1,000 people, 10 administrative departments and 8 Department of the Ministry. Various departments on the 20th of each month (including the University, the Department) to report attendance Personnel, will be attendance on the 23rd Personnel salaries, bonuses and sent to Treasury debit list. Finance faculty at the end of each month will do a good job in the payroll data and send the bank. The beginning of each month (on the 3rd) will be distributed to all units of wages. If the staff transferred, out of school mobility, retirees and other data changes, notify the relevant departments by the Personnel and Finance.