化本身也在不断地变化中。不仅仅是变化的速度在不断地提高,而且,如eAD的10月中所指出的, 组织正在不得不应付各种类型的变化-- 剧变与不断被打破的平衡。 产生剧变的技术,象在80年代早期的个人计算机,冲击了一个工业(PC机以及若干相关的工业)而不时打断的平衡--一个对生态系统或者对整个经济产生巨大影响的介入--则 影响了无数的物种,或者说,公司。已经成为电子商务支柱的Internet, 就已使大范围的行业产生剧变--更多的是打断的平衡而不仅仅是一次剧变。
-Of themselves are constantly changing. Not just the pace of change continues to improve, but also, such as EAD 10 months have pointed out, organizations are forced to cope with various types of changes have been dramatic changes and break the balance. Produce dramatic changes in technology, as in the early 80
-Of themselves are constantly changing. Not just the pace of change continues to improve, but also, such as EAD 10 months have pointed out, organizations are forced to cope with various types of changes have been dramatic changes and break the balance. Produce dramatic changes in technology, as in the early 80