针对位同步问题,提出了一种基于基函数分解的开环位定时估计算法。该算法首先利用基函数分解的结果进行相关运算,将本地参考信号波形和接收信号波形的定时偏差缩小到T/4以内;再根据相关运算提供的角度信息进行精确的位同步估计。该算法不需要提取载波相位信息,复杂度较低。仿真结果表明该算法具有较好的估计精度-For bit synchronization, a basis function-based decomposition of the open-loop-bit timing estimation algorithm. The algorithm-based function decomposition of the first to use the results of operations related to the local reference signal received signal waveform and waveform timing deviation reduced to T/4 or less another operator in accordance with the relevant provision of accurate information-bit synchronous estimated. The algorithm does not require extraction of carrier phase information, low complexity. The simulation results show that the algorithm has better estimation accuracy