本课程设计是利用微机原理试验箱的发光二极管来模拟路灯的控制。即由8255芯片A口对二极管的开关数据的采集来模拟昼夜,由触发器通过8259芯片来控制路灯的亮灭。当白天天气状况不好时,如遇到雨雪或大雾天气,通过控制可以将部分路灯点亮,天气状况好转时熄灭;当黑夜来临时,路灯全部点亮,若深夜车流量减少时,可以熄灭部分路灯以减少电力负荷,节约能源。-The course design is the use of Microcomputer Principle test chamber to simulate the light-emitting diode streetlights control. A chip from the 8255 population of diode switching data collection to simulate day and night, by the flip-flop through the 8259 chip to control the street lamp light out. When bad weather conditions during the day in case of rain, snow or fog, through the control can be part of street lamps lit, the weather conditions improved extinguished When night comes, all street lamps lit, if late at night to reduce traffic flow, the can put out some street lights to reduce power load, reduce energy consumption.