阐述了选择电话簿管理程序的理由和要完成的目标,对本程序要实现的各项功能进行了需求分析;详细介绍了程序的核心数据结构——单向链表的原理和各种操作的实现方法;分析了新加入的函数——模糊比较所采用的算法,简要说明了“课程设计要求”中要求加入的功能的实现方法;说明了测试程序的方案,就测试中遇到的问题给出了相应的解决方法;最后对本次课程设计进行了回顾与总结。-Telephone directory management process course design VC++ (Source+ Detailed report) sets out procedures to choose a telephone directory management reasons and to fulfill the objectives of this program in order to achieve the functions of needs analysis detailed information on procedures The core data structures- one-way linked list of principles and methods to achieve a variety of operating analysis of new functions- used to make the comparison of fuzzy algorithm, a brief descr iption of the curriculum design requirements requested by adding the function of the realization of method describes testing procedures, for testing problems encountered in the corresponding solutions the final design of the course reviewed and summarized.
阐述了选择电话簿管理程序的理由和要完成的目标,对本程序要实现的各项功能进行了需求分析;详细介绍了程序的核心数据结构——单向链表的原理和各种操作的实现方法;分析了新加入的函数——模糊比较所采用的算法,简要说明了“课程设计要求”中要求加入的功能的实现方法;说明了测试程序的方案,就测试中遇到的问题给出了相应的解决方法;最后对本次课程设计进行了回顾与总结。-Telephone directory management process course design VC++ (Source+ Detailed report) sets out procedures to choose a telephone directory management reasons and to fulfill the objectives of this program in order to achieve the functions of needs analysis detailed information on procedures The core data structures- one-way linked list of principles and methods to achieve a variety of operating analysis of new functions- used to make the comparison of fuzzy algorithm, a brief descr iption of the curriculum design requirements requested by adding the function of the realization of method describes testing procedures, for testing problems encountered in the corresponding solutions the final design of the course reviewed and summarized.