笔顺库7200多个中文汉字 +源码
第一列为中文.第二列为笔画数,第三列数据“12345”分别表示该汉字的书写笔画“一|丿、乙”。最后两位数字,是根据姓名排序规则的具体要求,对笔画、笔形完全相同,又是同一种结构的字,根据先左右,再上下,后整体,以及把字形比较简单的字排在前头等规定的综合要求,用01、02、03等作为优先次序的识别代码。通过这样的调整,本笔画库的排次基本符合国家与地方各级人民代表大会召开选举大会所要求的“按姓名笔画排序”的笔画要求。-Order of strokes Treasury more than 7200 Chinese characters+ Source as Chinese first. The second as few strokes, the third column of data 12345 , respectively, said the number of strokes of Chinese characters to write a | de-B. The last two figures are based on the names of the specific requirements of the rules sort of strokes, pen-shaped exactly the same, but also the structure of the same word, according to first around, and then from top to bottom, the latter a whole, as well as the relatively simple character-shaped top top provides comprehensive requirements 01,02,03 as priorities identification code. Through this adjustment, the number of strokes in the Treasury waiting times in line with national and local People s Congress at all levels requested by the General Assembly to convene the election of the number of strokes to sort by name request the number of strokes.
第一列为中文.第二列为笔画数,第三列数据“12345”分别表示该汉字的书写笔画“一|丿、乙”。最后两位数字,是根据姓名排序规则的具体要求,对笔画、笔形完全相同,又是同一种结构的字,根据先左右,再上下,后整体,以及把字形比较简单的字排在前头等规定的综合要求,用01、02、03等作为优先次序的识别代码。通过这样的调整,本笔画库的排次基本符合国家与地方各级人民代表大会召开选举大会所要求的“按姓名笔画排序”的笔画要求。-Order of strokes Treasury more than 7200 Chinese characters+ Source as Chinese first. The second as few strokes, the third column of data 12345 , respectively, said the number of strokes of Chinese characters to write a | de-B. The last two figures are based on the names of the specific requirements of the rules sort of strokes, pen-shaped exactly the same, but also the structure of the same word, according to first around, and then from top to bottom, the latter a whole, as well as the relatively simple character-shaped top top provides comprehensive requirements 01,02,03 as priorities identification code. Through this adjustment, the number of strokes in the Treasury waiting times in line with national and local People s Congress at all levels requested by the General Assembly to convene the election of the number of strokes to sort by name request the number of strokes.