哲学家进餐问题是荷兰学者Dijkstra 提出的经典问题之一,它是一个信号量机制问题的应用,在操作系统文化史上具有非常重要的地位。对该问题的剖析有助于学生深刻地理解计算机系统中的资源共享、进程同步、死锁等问题,并能熟练地应用信号量来解决生活中的控制流程,即将生活中的控制流程用形式化的方式表达出来。
规定奇数号哲学家先拿他左边的筷子,然后再去拿右边的筷子;而偶数号哲学家则相反。按此规定,将是1、 2号哲学家竞争1号筷子;3、4号哲学家竞争3号筷子。即五位哲学家都先竞争奇数号筷子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号筷子,最后总会有一位哲学家能获得两只筷子而进餐。
-dining philosophers problem is the Netherlands scholars Dijkstra's one of the classic, It is a signal to the mechanism of application, the operating system in the history of culture has a very important position. Analysis of the problem to help students understand deeply the computer system resource sharing, process synchronization, and other issues Deadlock, skilled and can be applied to solve the signal volume life of the control flow, about the life of the control flow with the formal expression. Assuming a five philosophers, they spend a lifetime of thought and time to eat. These philosophers sharing a round-table, each have a chair philosopher. The table is a bowl of the Central Link hearts, placed on the table five chopsticks. (As shown) as a philosopher to think that he and othe
规定奇数号哲学家先拿他左边的筷子,然后再去拿右边的筷子;而偶数号哲学家则相反。按此规定,将是1、 2号哲学家竞争1号筷子;3、4号哲学家竞争3号筷子。即五位哲学家都先竞争奇数号筷子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号筷子,最后总会有一位哲学家能获得两只筷子而进餐。
-dining philosophers problem is the Netherlands scholars Dijkstra's one of the classic, It is a signal to the mechanism of application, the operating system in the history of culture has a very important position. Analysis of the problem to help students understand deeply the computer system resource sharing, process synchronization, and other issues Deadlock, skilled and can be applied to solve the signal volume life of the control flow, about the life of the control flow with the formal expression. Assuming a five philosophers, they spend a lifetime of thought and time to eat. These philosophers sharing a round-table, each have a chair philosopher. The table is a bowl of the Central Link hearts, placed on the table five chopsticks. (As shown) as a philosopher to think that he and othe