EasySetup是一套简单易用的软件封装程序,虽然操作简易可是功能并不会比知名的Installer Shield或者Installer VISE来得逊色多少。您使用EasySetup不仅可以制作出一般应用程序的安装文件,还可以将您的Word、PowerPoint、甚至于网页也给包装起来成为一个具备安装功能的应用程序。EasySetup让您省去繁复的安装文件撰写过程,而改以视觉化的方式来处理所有的安装程序制作,当您在使用个过程中会觉得好像在制作Powerpoint 头影片一般的轻松,只要将所有的元件都加入即可,另外在安装过程中使用到的文字说明部份EasySetup也提供了特定的栏位让您输入,这麽便利的功能设计让您可以在短短的数分钟之间就制作出具有专业水准的安装程序。除此之外EasySetup还提供了反安装程序的设定、多国语言设定支持等功能。
-EasySetup is a simple, easy-to-use software packaging process, Although the operation simple and functional but not well-known than the Installer Shield or Installed ler Compiler much worse number. You can not only use EasySetup produced general application program installation files, You can also Word, PowerPoint, even the website also to wrap up the installation has become a function of the application. EasySetup allows you to avoid the cumbersome installation process of writing, and the change in visual ways to handle all the installation procedures for production, When you use the process will look like in the first film produced Powerpoint generally relaxed, As long as all the components can be joined, Moreover, the installation process to use part of the narrative EasySetup also prov
-EasySetup is a simple, easy-to-use software packaging process, Although the operation simple and functional but not well-known than the Installer Shield or Installed ler Compiler much worse number. You can not only use EasySetup produced general application program installation files, You can also Word, PowerPoint, even the website also to wrap up the installation has become a function of the application. EasySetup allows you to avoid the cumbersome installation process of writing, and the change in visual ways to handle all the installation procedures for production, When you use the process will look like in the first film produced Powerpoint generally relaxed, As long as all the components can be joined, Moreover, the installation process to use part of the narrative EasySetup also prov