变量和相等问题的设计和实现将a、b、c、d、e、f这6个变量排成如图所示的 三角形,这6个变量分别取 1——6的整数,且均不相同。求使三角形三条边上的变量之和相等的全部解,如 3
6 2
1 4 5
程序引入变量a,b,c,d,e,f,并让它们分别取1——6的整数,在它们互不相等的 条件下, 测试由它们排成如图所示的三角形三条边上的变量之和是否相等,如相等即为一种满足要求的排列,把它们输出。当这些变量取尽所有的组合后,程序就可得到全部可能的解。
-variables and the same problems in the design and realization of a, b, c, d, e, f these six variables as shown in the ranks of the triangle, six were taken variable 1-- 6 integers, and vary. Request so that the edge of the triangle three variables and all the same solutions, such as 3 6 2 1 4 5 for a solution. Procedures for the introduction of variables a, b, c, d, e, f, and allows them to admit 1-- 6 integers, In their separate the conditions, They formed by the test as shown in the triangle edge of the three variables and whether equal, If a meeting shall be equal to the requirements of the order, and print them out. When these variables do all the combinations, the process can be obtained from all possible solutions.
6 2
1 4 5
程序引入变量a,b,c,d,e,f,并让它们分别取1——6的整数,在它们互不相等的 条件下, 测试由它们排成如图所示的三角形三条边上的变量之和是否相等,如相等即为一种满足要求的排列,把它们输出。当这些变量取尽所有的组合后,程序就可得到全部可能的解。
-variables and the same problems in the design and realization of a, b, c, d, e, f these six variables as shown in the ranks of the triangle, six were taken variable 1-- 6 integers, and vary. Request so that the edge of the triangle three variables and all the same solutions, such as 3 6 2 1 4 5 for a solution. Procedures for the introduction of variables a, b, c, d, e, f, and allows them to admit 1-- 6 integers, In their separate the conditions, They formed by the test as shown in the triangle edge of the three variables and whether equal, If a meeting shall be equal to the requirements of the order, and print them out. When these variables do all the combinations, the process can be obtained from all possible solutions.