支持的数学函数:cos(), sin(), tg(), ctg(), abs(), sgn() or sign(), sqrt(), ln(),sh() or sinh(), ch() or cosh(), th() or tanh(),cth() or coth(), heaviside()
-text calculators section is the need for regular use of calculators projects who design software The software is simple and convenient. When calculated data, the whole window input expression (expression may be, plus or minus-, x*, in addition to /, ^ square, brackets (), and the combination of mathematical function), according to the transport can be calculated automatically, transparent calculation method, To facilitate the identification of potential calculation error. Support the mathematical functions : cos (), sin (), tg (), sequencing (), abs (), sgn () or sign (), sqrt (), ln (), sh () or sinh (), ch () or cosh (), th () or tanh (), H2O () or classical equations with (), heaviside ()
支持的数学函数:cos(), sin(), tg(), ctg(), abs(), sgn() or sign(), sqrt(), ln(),sh() or sinh(), ch() or cosh(), th() or tanh(),cth() or coth(), heaviside()
-text calculators section is the need for regular use of calculators projects who design software The software is simple and convenient. When calculated data, the whole window input expression (expression may be, plus or minus-, x*, in addition to /, ^ square, brackets (), and the combination of mathematical function), according to the transport can be calculated automatically, transparent calculation method, To facilitate the identification of potential calculation error. Support the mathematical functions : cos (), sin (), tg (), sequencing (), abs (), sgn () or sign (), sqrt (), ln (), sh () or sinh (), ch () or cosh (), th () or tanh (), H2O () or classical equations with (), heaviside ()