Showin Video 秀影视频点播系统 是一套采用 php+mysql 数据库 方式运行并可生成html页面的全新且完善的强大系统。因具有非凡的访问速度和卓越的负载能力而深受国内外朋友的喜爱。
-Showin Sau Ying Video Video-on-Demand System is a database using php mysql side- operation can generate html pages of new and powerful sound system. Because of the extraordinary visit with speed and excellent load capacity as well as foreign friends and loved.
-Showin Sau Ying Video Video-on-Demand System is a database using php mysql side- operation can generate html pages of new and powerful sound system. Because of the extraordinary visit with speed and excellent load capacity as well as foreign friends and loved.