Discuz! Board(是一个通用的论坛软件系统,用户可以在不需要任何编程的基础上,通过简单的设置和安装,在互联网上搭建起具备完善功能、很强负载能力和可高度定制的论坛服务。
Discuz! 的基础架构采用世界上最流行的 web 编程组合 PHP+MySQL/PgSQL 实现,是一个经过完善设计,适用于各种服务器环境的高效论坛系统解决方案。
-Discuz! Board (which is a common forum for software system users without the need for any programming on the basis of simple configuration and installation, on the Internet, built with perfect function, strong load capacity and can be highly customized forum services. Discuz! The basic fr a mework adopts the world's most popular w eb combination of PHP MySQL Programming/PgSQL achieved perfection is a design, apply to all server environment and efficient forum system solutions.
Discuz! 的基础架构采用世界上最流行的 web 编程组合 PHP+MySQL/PgSQL 实现,是一个经过完善设计,适用于各种服务器环境的高效论坛系统解决方案。
-Discuz! Board (which is a common forum for software system users without the need for any programming on the basis of simple configuration and installation, on the Internet, built with perfect function, strong load capacity and can be highly customized forum services. Discuz! The basic fr a mework adopts the world's most popular w eb combination of PHP MySQL Programming/PgSQL achieved perfection is a design, apply to all server environment and efficient forum system solutions.