本程序是用C语言编写的实现了学生的管理与查询功能,其基本功能是管理员可以通过密码进入管理员系统,管理员可以对学生信息进行创建,删除,修改与增加的功能,还可以通过关键字进行查询的功能,和显示所有文件中的信息的功能;学生用户功能可以通过输入姓名或者学号查询其相关信息,相关信息包括学生成绩和其基本资料,学生用户没管理员的添加,创建和删除功能只有查询的功能。-this program is the C language achievement of students of management and query functions, its basic function is the administrator can access through password system administrators, administrators can pair of student information for the creation, deletion, the changes with the increase in functionality, but also through keyword search function, and display all information in the document functions; students users can input function names or school inquiry related information, relevant information, including student performance and their basic information, the students did not caretakers of users add, to create and delete functions only for the function.