文件名称: 软件成熟模型CMM
CMM是软件过程能力成熟度模型(Capacity Maturity Model)的简称,是卡内基-梅隆大学软件工程研究院为了满足美国联邦政府评估软件供应商能力的要求,于1986年开始研究的模型,并于1991年正式推出了CMM 1.0 版。CMM自问世以来备受关注,在一些发达国家和地区得到了广泛应用,成为衡量软件公司软件开发管理水平的重要参考因素和软件过程改进事实上的工业标准。据了解,美国、印度、日本等国家已有数十家公司通过了CMM不同等级的认证。
-CMM software process capability maturity model (Capacity Maturity Model) of the acronym, is Carnegie-Mellon University Software Engineering Institute in order to satisfy the federal government assessment software vendors ability, in 1986 started to study the model, and in 1991 the formal launch of a CMM. 0 version. CMM since the inception of concern, in some developed countries and regions have been widely used as the measuring software company software development management level important factors in the software process improvement and de facto industry standards. It is understood that the United States, India, Japan and other countries have been through dozens of different levels of CMM certification.
-CMM software process capability maturity model (Capacity Maturity Model) of the acronym, is Carnegie-Mellon University Software Engineering Institute in order to satisfy the federal government assessment software vendors ability, in 1986 started to study the model, and in 1991 the formal launch of a CMM. 0 version. CMM since the inception of concern, in some developed countries and regions have been widely used as the measuring software company software development management level important factors in the software process improvement and de facto industry standards. It is understood that the United States, India, Japan and other countries have been through dozens of different levels of CMM certification.