├─ main.c C语言主源文件
├─ AscII6x8.c Ascii字符6x8点阵显示格式数据
├─ lcd.c LCD显示函数源文件
├─ lcd.h LCD定义头文件
├─ Call_int.s 中断处理文件
├─ tp.c 触摸屏控制函数源文件
└─ tp.h 触摸屏控制定义头文件-touchsceen_test East main.c C-language source East Main-AscII6x8.c Ascii character dot matrix display delivers data format and technology-lcd.c LCD display function source East-definition LCD lcd.h headers East-Call_int.s interrupt handling documents and technology-tp.c Touchscreen control function-source supply tp.h Touchscreen Control definition files
├─ main.c C语言主源文件
├─ AscII6x8.c Ascii字符6x8点阵显示格式数据
├─ lcd.c LCD显示函数源文件
├─ lcd.h LCD定义头文件
├─ Call_int.s 中断处理文件
├─ tp.c 触摸屏控制函数源文件
└─ tp.h 触摸屏控制定义头文件-touchsceen_test East main.c C-language source East Main-AscII6x8.c Ascii character dot matrix display delivers data format and technology-lcd.c LCD display function source East-definition LCD lcd.h headers East-Call_int.s interrupt handling documents and technology-tp.c Touchscreen control function-source supply tp.h Touchscreen Control definition files