- 所属分类:
- 文件操作
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual.Net] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 58kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- sof****
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
1、 选择要分割原文件,用OpenFileDialog控件实现,变量SplitSourceFileName 记录文件路径。
2、 选择分割后文件的保存地址,用FolderBrouserDialog控件实现,变量SplTargetFolder记录保存路径。
3、 用户输入分块大小,可选择以KB或以MB为单位,变量ItemSize记录。
4、 点击“开始分割”按键,若个参数合法,则开始执行分割过程,进度条显示执行进度,否则提示错误。
5、 合并过程与分割过程类似,只是多了对可选择的合并文件的限制。
-Now, I will split the document for the operation is simple, is as follows : 1, opted to split the original document, with OpenFileDialog control achieved record variable SplitSourceFileName paper trails. 2, the choice of segmentation document addresses the preservation, use FolderBrouserDialog Controls, variable SplTargetFolder record keeping path. 3, user input block size, the option to KB or MB units, a variable ItemSize record. 4, clicking on the "Start split." Button, if parameter is lawful, the division started the process, the progress of the show progress in implementation, suggest otherwise wrong. 5, the merger process and segmentation process similar, but more on the choice of the merger document restrictions.
1、 选择要分割原文件,用OpenFileDialog控件实现,变量SplitSourceFileName 记录文件路径。
2、 选择分割后文件的保存地址,用FolderBrouserDialog控件实现,变量SplTargetFolder记录保存路径。
3、 用户输入分块大小,可选择以KB或以MB为单位,变量ItemSize记录。
4、 点击“开始分割”按键,若个参数合法,则开始执行分割过程,进度条显示执行进度,否则提示错误。
5、 合并过程与分割过程类似,只是多了对可选择的合并文件的限制。
-Now, I will split the document for the operation is simple, is as follows : 1, opted to split the original document, with OpenFileDialog control achieved record variable SplitSourceFileName paper trails. 2, the choice of segmentation document addresses the preservation, use FolderBrouserDialog Controls, variable SplTargetFolder record keeping path. 3, user input block size, the option to KB or MB units, a variable ItemSize record. 4, clicking on the "Start split." Button, if parameter is lawful, the division started the process, the progress of the show progress in implementation, suggest otherwise wrong. 5, the merger process and segmentation process similar, but more on the choice of the merger document restrictions.