这个BBS和聊天室完全采用JSP开发,开发运行环境linux+tomcat,数据库oracle8i,JSP通过JDBC与数据库相连。一、功能 BBS和chatroom两者有机的结合在一起,用户可以在这两部分取得经验值,达到10000分后升级为巫师,具有踢人、增加动作的权限。一共分三种用户:会员用户、社区用户、游客(我也不想搞的这么复杂,可是头儿硬要和整个网站连起来,:( 没办法)二、中文乱码问题 在OPDB javabean中写了两个方法,GBK和AsciiToChineseString进行转码,彻底的解决了中文乱码问题。不同的运行环境可能最终的显示结果有所不同。三、其他 由于作者用JSP的时间不长,做出来的东西难免有若干不足,希望各位指出。用JSP进行项目开发简直就是一场噩梦,有太多莫名其妙的错误。为了赶进度,有些地方只好采用变通的方法,所以写出来的东西有时候看起来有点象垃圾。嘻嘻~~~~~~~~~~~ 注意:因为不是一个独立的产品,而是和小组其它人员的程序融为一个产品,所以移植性估计不好,仅供学习参考。我后来在中华网写的一个BBS稍微好一些,请参考我那个BBS啦。-the BBS and chat rooms completely JSP development, the development of Linux operating environment tomcat, database oracle8i, JSP and database through JDBC connected. A functional BBS and chatroom both organic combination, users can gain experience both parts of value, reaching 10,000 points for the escalation of a shaman, with kicking and increase the competence of action. A divided into three users : Member users, user communities, tourists (I am not saying it's so complicated, but to strive for and insist on the entire site put together : (no way), two Chinese gibberish in OPDB javabean wrote two ways, GBK and AsciiToChineseString refinance yards and thorough solution summary of Chinese gibberish problems. the operating environment may eventually show that the results are different.