文件名称:CWC大型商城 v1.5 Beta修正版
基于jsp+javabean+mysql三层结构的动态购物网站。网站用户接口(即界面)由jsp完成,数据和逻辑处理由beans完成,数据储存由mysql完成。因为beans独立负责处理整个网站的全部数据逻辑运算,所以整个网站的负载量和速度都将大大提高,所以基于这种语言和结构开发的购物系统的优势是其它语言没法比尔的。更重要的是,jsp+bean能够在Apache环境下顺畅地运行,这也是其最大优点之一。这就更进一步保证了网站的稳定性和安全性,而这些,对于一个购物网站来说是非常重要的! 这个版本让大家期待已久了,主要做了以下一些修正: 1.新增产品站内搜索引擎。 2.新增人气商品排行。 3.新增热评商品排行。 4.新增重点推荐产品。 5.删除不太需要的新闻频道。 6.修正后台管理的一些Nullpointexception错误。 7.新增顾客资料修改。 8.新增顾客订单查询。 9.新增后台超级用户和订单管理员管理,方便物流人员独立处理订单。 10.完善了一些购物流程。 快感都市,拥抱激情! 城市WebClub http://www.503room.com 补丁按顺序安装-jsp javabean mysql-based three-tier structure of the dynamic shopping site. Terms of the user interface (interface) from jsp completed and the data processed by the logic and beans completed, data storage by mysql completed. Because beans are independently responsible for the handling of the entire site all the data logic operation, the entire site load and speed will be greatly enhanced, based on the language and structure of the shopping development system with the advantage of other languages can not birr. More importantly, jsp bean to the Apache environment to run smoothly, this is one of its greatest strengths. This site is a further guarantee of stability and security, which, for a shopping site, it is very important! This version so that we have been expecting for a long time, mainl
CWC大型商城 v1.5 Beta修正版