Visual Basic 6.0可以通过调用API函数格式化一个磁盘,无论是软盘还是硬盘。
打开一个新的项目(工程1) ,如果你没有更改过缺省模式,那么Visual Basic 6.0会自动添加一个form1文件,在form1上添加一个命令控件,将下面的代码拷入。
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SHFormatDrive Lib"shell32"( ByVal Hend AS Long,ByVal Drive AS Long,ByVal FormatID AS Long,ByVal Options AS Long) as Long
Private Sub FormatDisk(intDrive as integer,blnQuickFormat as Boolean)
dim lngReturn As Long
if (blnQuickFormat) then
lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,1&)
lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,0&)
end if
end Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
call FormatDisk(0,True)
End Sub
-Visual Basic 6.0 can be seen by calling the API function formatting a disk, both floppy disk or hard disk. Open a new project (a project), if you have not changed the default mode, Then Visual Basic 6.0 will automatically add a <form documents, <form in adding a control order, it is copyed into the code below. Option Explicit Private Declare Function SHFo rmatDrive Lib "shell32" (ByVal Hend AS Long, ByVal Drive AS Long, ByVal FormatID AS Long, ByVal Options AS Long) as Long Private Sub Forma tDisk (intDrive as integer, blnQuickFormat as Boolean) dim lngReturn As Lo Vi if (blnQuickFormat) then lngReturn = SHForm atDrive (0, intDrive, 0
打开一个新的项目(工程1) ,如果你没有更改过缺省模式,那么Visual Basic 6.0会自动添加一个form1文件,在form1上添加一个命令控件,将下面的代码拷入。
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SHFormatDrive Lib"shell32"( ByVal Hend AS Long,ByVal Drive AS Long,ByVal FormatID AS Long,ByVal Options AS Long) as Long
Private Sub FormatDisk(intDrive as integer,blnQuickFormat as Boolean)
dim lngReturn As Long
if (blnQuickFormat) then
lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,1&)
lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,0&)
end if
end Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
call FormatDisk(0,True)
End Sub
-Visual Basic 6.0 can be seen by calling the API function formatting a disk, both floppy disk or hard disk. Open a new project (a project), if you have not changed the default mode, Then Visual Basic 6.0 will automatically add a <form documents, <form in adding a control order, it is copyed into the code below. Option Explicit Private Declare Function SHFo rmatDrive Lib "shell32" (ByVal Hend AS Long, ByVal Drive AS Long, ByVal FormatID AS Long, ByVal Options AS Long) as Long Private Sub Forma tDisk (intDrive as integer, blnQuickFormat as Boolean) dim lngReturn As Lo Vi if (blnQuickFormat) then lngReturn = SHForm atDrive (0, intDrive, 0
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