OpenSG is a scenegraph system for realtime rendering, e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is just a library, not a full application.
This documentation contains descr iptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.-OpenSG is a system for realtime scenegraph rendering. e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is ju st a library, not a full application. This documentation con tains descr iptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.
This documentation contains descr iptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.-OpenSG is a system for realtime scenegraph rendering. e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is ju st a library, not a full application. This documentation con tains descr iptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.