- 所属分类:
- 书籍源码
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual C] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 185kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- duya*****
- 相关连接:
- 无
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- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
例如,12和5这个数对,我们可以为12选择基数3,为5选择基数6,这样一来12(base 3)=5(base 6),因为12(base 3)就是10进制数5,而5(base 6)也是10进制数中的5。
文件的最后一行用一个数字0表示输入的结束。-same number will be different because of the base and make its performance in the form of a completely different, In our study, we are familiar with the base 229 10, 229 12, 229 60, 229 2. 8-band 16-band. For example, 12 data, if we use the two-band said, it is 1100; If three-band said is 110; If eight 229 said it is 14. Our task is programming with a number of 229 (or base). We will process all of the many numbers (on the assumption that each number on the number of X-and Y said), procedures need to address the issue of the X and Y choose a minimum base, This makes two to a few in their chosen base is the equivalent of a few. For example, 12 and 5, the figure right, we will be able to choose 12 base 3 to 6 base 5 choice, This one to 12 (base 3) = 5 (base 6), because 12 (base 3) 229 10
例如,12和5这个数对,我们可以为12选择基数3,为5选择基数6,这样一来12(base 3)=5(base 6),因为12(base 3)就是10进制数5,而5(base 6)也是10进制数中的5。
文件的最后一行用一个数字0表示输入的结束。-same number will be different because of the base and make its performance in the form of a completely different, In our study, we are familiar with the base 229 10, 229 12, 229 60, 229 2. 8-band 16-band. For example, 12 data, if we use the two-band said, it is 1100; If three-band said is 110; If eight 229 said it is 14. Our task is programming with a number of 229 (or base). We will process all of the many numbers (on the assumption that each number on the number of X-and Y said), procedures need to address the issue of the X and Y choose a minimum base, This makes two to a few in their chosen base is the equivalent of a few. For example, 12 and 5, the figure right, we will be able to choose 12 base 3 to 6 base 5 choice, This one to 12 (base 3) = 5 (base 6), because 12 (base 3) 229 10
相关搜索: z-stack
Find Base
.........\Find Base
.........\.........\Find Base.cpp
.........\.........\Find Base.dsp
.........\.........\Find Base.plg
.........\Find Base.dsw
.........\Find Base.ncb
.........\Find Base.opt
.........\Find Base
.........\.........\Find Base.cpp
.........\.........\Find Base.dsp
.........\.........\Find Base.plg
.........\Find Base.dsw
.........\Find Base.ncb
.........\Find Base.opt