The STEPNCWrite library writes STEP-NC toolpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C++ library is completely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just printf(), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has no other dependencies and should build on Windows, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform.
If you want to view your toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpath Viewer. For more sophisticated applications, we encourage you to look at our commercial product, the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workpiece, fixture, and tool geometry as well as the paths, simulate their operation and convert -STEPNCWrite writes STEP-NC to olpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C library is comp letely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The libra ry writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) usin g just printf (), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has n o other dependencies and should build on Window s, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view yo ur toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpat h Viewer. For more sophisticated applications , we encourage you to look at our commercial pro duct , the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workp iece, fixture , and tool geometry as well as the paths , simulate their operation and convert
The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just printf(), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has no other dependencies and should build on Windows, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform.
If you want to view your toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpath Viewer. For more sophisticated applications, we encourage you to look at our commercial product, the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workpiece, fixture, and tool geometry as well as the paths, simulate their operation and convert -STEPNCWrite writes STEP-NC to olpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C library is comp letely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The libra ry writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) usin g just printf (), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has n o other dependencies and should build on Window s, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view yo ur toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpat h Viewer. For more sophisticated applications , we encourage you to look at our commercial pro duct , the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workp iece, fixture , and tool geometry as well as the paths , simulate their operation and convert