输入一系列递减顺序的整数(100,50,40,30……),以0标志结束,将这些数作为data域逆序建立一个单链表;从键盘输入一个整数X,将X插入到此单链表中并保持单链表data域的值递增关系,输出此时单链表各结点data域的值;从键盘输入一个整数Y,若Y值在单链表中存在,则删除data域的值为Y的结点(注单链表中没有data域值相同的结点),并输出此时单链表各结点data域的值。-importation of a series of descending order of the integers (100,50,40,30 ...), to mark the end of 0, As several of these data to establish a domain reversal single-linked list; Keyboard input from an integer X, That will insert the single X-linked lists and maintain single-chain data domain increases the value, At this time the output of the single-linked list node data domain value; Keyboard input from an integer Y, if Y value in a single linked list exists, delete data domain is the value of Y node (single-chain data domain is not the same value nodes), At this point and the output of the single-linked list node data domain values.