文件名称:Handbook of Applied Cryptography (Algorithms, Mathematics, Science, Source Code).rar
Handbook of Applied Cryptography (Algorithms, Mathematics, Science, Source Code)
压缩包 : Handbook of Applied Cryptography (Algorithms, Mathematics, Science, Source Code).rar 列表 copyright-notice.html addchain.c barrett.c binegcd.c bingcd.c blumblum.c dlp.c exteuc.c fbcomb.c fermat.c fsroots.c garner.c genirred.c gordon.c index.c intlll.c inverse.c jacobi.c knapsack.c lehmer.c ltrkary.c massey.c maurer.c micali.c miller.c mltrkary.c montexpo.c montmult.c monty.c mpadd.c mpdiv.c mpmul.c mpqs.c mpsqr.c mpsub.c pminone.c polyee.c polyfact.c repeat.c sdrec.c solovay.c sqrtmod.c srk.c swindow.c appendix.pdf chap1.pdf chap10.pdf chap11.pdf chap12.pdf chap13.pdf chap14.pdf chap15.pdf chap2.pdf chap3.pdf chap4.pdf chap5.pdf chap6.pdf chap7.pdf chap8.pdf chap9.pdf index.pdf references.pdf cover.gif