因为我不是很懂OpenGL所以目前本游戏~还是使用GUI绘图~ 对CPU的~要求比较高~ 而且~OpenGL的纹理不是支持任何尺寸的图片~
Reslist.gam 游戏资源文件 游戏所需要的图片资源都在这里定义~ 目前它还是以文本形式保存的
WAV.txt 游戏声音资源文件~ 游戏里面用到的声音都在这里~ 也是文本保存
UnitX.txt 单位定义文件 所有游戏单位的定义都在这里~ 包括自己的飞机~ 子弹 敌人~等等~ 敌人如何行动也是在这里定义的
Level.lev 游戏关卡文件 保存了游戏关卡数据文件
使用以上4个文件 你就能做出你自己的飞机游戏了~~
发射子弹 空格
Ctrl 炸弹
方向键 控制行动
-- 其他功能继续完善中 --
-E. fighters is I spent a few months to do a simple game engine aircraft, which currently support from the definition of resources, Since the definition of units, editing functions such as hurdles! I do not really understand them because currently the OpenGL games or use GUI ~ ~ drawing on the CPU requests than ~ ~ ~ and higher OpenGL texture is not in support of any size photo-documented Reslist.g am documents game game resources needed resources are pictures here- definition version of the current form it is the preservation of WA V.txt game voice resource documents game inside-the voices are used in the text is here ~ UnitX preservation. txt units definition files all game units in the definition here- including its own aircraft bullets enemies ~ ~ ~ enemy, etc. How can people in actio
因为我不是很懂OpenGL所以目前本游戏~还是使用GUI绘图~ 对CPU的~要求比较高~ 而且~OpenGL的纹理不是支持任何尺寸的图片~
Reslist.gam 游戏资源文件 游戏所需要的图片资源都在这里定义~ 目前它还是以文本形式保存的
WAV.txt 游戏声音资源文件~ 游戏里面用到的声音都在这里~ 也是文本保存
UnitX.txt 单位定义文件 所有游戏单位的定义都在这里~ 包括自己的飞机~ 子弹 敌人~等等~ 敌人如何行动也是在这里定义的
Level.lev 游戏关卡文件 保存了游戏关卡数据文件
使用以上4个文件 你就能做出你自己的飞机游戏了~~
发射子弹 空格
Ctrl 炸弹
方向键 控制行动
-- 其他功能继续完善中 --
-E. fighters is I spent a few months to do a simple game engine aircraft, which currently support from the definition of resources, Since the definition of units, editing functions such as hurdles! I do not really understand them because currently the OpenGL games or use GUI ~ ~ drawing on the CPU requests than ~ ~ ~ and higher OpenGL texture is not in support of any size photo-documented Reslist.g am documents game game resources needed resources are pictures here- definition version of the current form it is the preservation of WA V.txt game voice resource documents game inside-the voices are used in the text is here ~ UnitX preservation. txt units definition files all game units in the definition here- including its own aircraft bullets enemies ~ ~ ~ enemy, etc. How can people in actio
E战机测试2 说明 .txt
E战机测试2 说明 .txt