圣剑英雄传2制作过程深度解析.《圣剑英雄传II 双刃剑》是金点工作组刚刚推出不久的一款共享RPG。这个游戏和其他的游戏相比,有一个最为特别的地方,那就是游戏完全没有加密,开放一切资源:包括图片,音乐、音效,脚本等等等等。这就意味着,我们已经拥有了一个RPG的框架,只要加上我们自己的东西,一个属于我们自己的RPG就诞生了!金点工作组这样做是为了鼓励更多的人加入游戏制作的行列,他们也非常欢迎大家通过修改他们的《圣II》来制作自己的RPG,并希望大家将修改的成果寄给他们,好放在他们的网站上发扬光大。-create your own hero RPG-SHENG- JIAN-SU 2 analytic depth of the production process. "SHENG- JIAN-SU Heroes II double-edged sword." The point is the Working Group has just launched one of the soon-sharing RPG. The game and other games, it has one of the most special places, the game is not encrypted, open all resources : including pictures, music, sound, scr ipt, etc. This means that we have to have an RPG fr a mework, plus our own things. a part of our birth on the RPG! The Working Group point of doing so is to encourage more people to join the ranks of the game produced, They also welcome you to revise their "Santa II" to produce their own RPG. and hope that we will amend the results sent to them, and good on their website flourish.
圣剑英雄传2制作过程深度解析.《圣剑英雄传II 双刃剑》是金点工作组刚刚推出不久的一款共享RPG。这个游戏和其他的游戏相比,有一个最为特别的地方,那就是游戏完全没有加密,开放一切资源:包括图片,音乐、音效,脚本等等等等。这就意味着,我们已经拥有了一个RPG的框架,只要加上我们自己的东西,一个属于我们自己的RPG就诞生了!金点工作组这样做是为了鼓励更多的人加入游戏制作的行列,他们也非常欢迎大家通过修改他们的《圣II》来制作自己的RPG,并希望大家将修改的成果寄给他们,好放在他们的网站上发扬光大。-create your own hero RPG-SHENG- JIAN-SU 2 analytic depth of the production process. "SHENG- JIAN-SU Heroes II double-edged sword." The point is the Working Group has just launched one of the soon-sharing RPG. The game and other games, it has one of the most special places, the game is not encrypted, open all resources : including pictures, music, sound, scr ipt, etc. This means that we have to have an RPG fr a mework, plus our own things. a part of our birth on the RPG! The Working Group point of doing so is to encourage more people to join the ranks of the game produced, They also welcome you to revise their "Santa II" to produce their own RPG. and hope that we will amend the results sent to them, and good on their website flourish.