MySQL 5.1参考手册
这是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册,请访问dev.mysql.com。 原始参考手册为英文版。
This translation was done by MySQL partner GreatLinux, Beijing, People s Republic of China. GreatLinux Inc. 北京万里开源软件有限公司在全国范围提供MySQL产品相关的商务及 技术方面的咨询与支持服务。垂询请致电:8610-65694500,或发送邮件至:sales@greatlinux.com. -MySQL 5.1 reference manual This is the MySQL reference manual translated version, on the MySQL reference manual, please visit dev.mysql.com. The original English version of the reference manual. This translation was done by MySQL partner Grea tLinux, Beijing, People's Republic of China. GreatLinux Inc.. Beijing 10,000 Lane revenue Software Company to provide nationwide MySQL products related to the business and technical aspects of the advisory and support services Treasury. Inquiry call :8610- 65694500, or send an email to : sales@greatlinux.com.
这是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册,请访问dev.mysql.com。 原始参考手册为英文版。
This translation was done by MySQL partner GreatLinux, Beijing, People s Republic of China. GreatLinux Inc. 北京万里开源软件有限公司在全国范围提供MySQL产品相关的商务及 技术方面的咨询与支持服务。垂询请致电:8610-65694500,或发送邮件至:sales@greatlinux.com. -MySQL 5.1 reference manual This is the MySQL reference manual translated version, on the MySQL reference manual, please visit dev.mysql.com. The original English version of the reference manual. This translation was done by MySQL partner Grea tLinux, Beijing, People's Republic of China. GreatLinux Inc.. Beijing 10,000 Lane revenue Software Company to provide nationwide MySQL products related to the business and technical aspects of the advisory and support services Treasury. Inquiry call :8610- 65694500, or send an email to : sales@greatlinux.com.