1) 基于PHP语言开发,MYSQL数据库驱动的多用户留言本
2) 采用PHP官方提供的编译模板引擎smarty
3) 代码、页面分离,页面美工实现与程序核心代码无关
4) 实现多重回复,管理员可以设置访问者是否允许回复
5) 加入显示留言者IP功能
6) 可设置留言本是否允许注册
7) 采用更方便的分页方式
8) 采用类似servlet的控制方式控制系统流程
9) 代码更精巧-reproduced Chinese source download Station 1) Based on the PHP language, MYSQL database-driven multi-user voice of the 2) use of the official PHP template engine smart compiler y 3) code, separation pages, page graphic achieve and procedures unrelated to the core code 4) to achieve multiple replies, Administrators can set whether to allow visitors back 5) by adding messages were shown six functional IP) to set the message whether Yun Xu registered 7) the adoption of a more convenient way paging 8) servlet similar to the control flow control system 9 ) code more sophisticated
1) 基于PHP语言开发,MYSQL数据库驱动的多用户留言本
2) 采用PHP官方提供的编译模板引擎smarty
3) 代码、页面分离,页面美工实现与程序核心代码无关
4) 实现多重回复,管理员可以设置访问者是否允许回复
5) 加入显示留言者IP功能
6) 可设置留言本是否允许注册
7) 采用更方便的分页方式
8) 采用类似servlet的控制方式控制系统流程
9) 代码更精巧-reproduced Chinese source download Station 1) Based on the PHP language, MYSQL database-driven multi-user voice of the 2) use of the official PHP template engine smart compiler y 3) code, separation pages, page graphic achieve and procedures unrelated to the core code 4) to achieve multiple replies, Administrators can set whether to allow visitors back 5) by adding messages were shown six functional IP) to set the message whether Yun Xu registered 7) the adoption of a more convenient way paging 8) servlet similar to the control flow control system 9 ) code more sophisticated