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%TUTDEMO Tutorial for Optimization Toolbox.
% Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
% 根据数据(x,y)给出在xi的线性插值结果yi..
% 使用"非扭结"端点条件, 即强迫第一﹑二端多项式三次项系数相同, 最后一段和倒数第二段三次项系数相同.
%yi=ppval(pp,xi),pp形式在xi的函数值.-echo off Optimization Toolbox%% A Concise Guide for TUTDEMO Tutorial Optimization Toolbox. % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % based on data (x, y) is the linear interpolation xi yi ..% results "non-kink" endpoint, that forced the first, 2-polynomial coefficient of the same three items, the final section of the third and penultimate paragraph of the same coefficient. spline% pp = (x, y) to return to the spline interpolation polynomial subparagraph (pp form) structure. which breaks for nodes, coefs for the polynomial coefficients% of yi = ppval (pp, xi) xi pp in the form of the function.
%TUTDEMO Tutorial for Optimization Toolbox.
% Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
% 根据数据(x,y)给出在xi的线性插值结果yi..
% 使用"非扭结"端点条件, 即强迫第一﹑二端多项式三次项系数相同, 最后一段和倒数第二段三次项系数相同.
%yi=ppval(pp,xi),pp形式在xi的函数值.-echo off Optimization Toolbox%% A Concise Guide for TUTDEMO Tutorial Optimization Toolbox. % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % based on data (x, y) is the linear interpolation xi yi ..% results "non-kink" endpoint, that forced the first, 2-polynomial coefficient of the same three items, the final section of the third and penultimate paragraph of the same coefficient. spline% pp = (x, y) to return to the spline interpolation polynomial subparagraph (pp form) structure. which breaks for nodes, coefs for the polynomial coefficients% of yi = ppval (pp, xi) xi pp in the form of the function.