0. Install the rp-pppoe-software
You should have already done this by the time you re reading this. If not,
go back and read README.
1. Set up your Ethernet hardware
First, make sure the Ethernet card you intend to use with the modem is
visible to the Linux kernel. Just how to do this is beyond the scope
of this document. However, if the card is the only Ethernet card in
the system, executing:
ifconfig eth0
should display something like this:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:67:62:31:D4
plust some more lines. Your HWaddr will be different. As long as you see
the HWaddr line, your card should be working.
DO NOT assign an IP address to the Ethernet card. DO NOT configure the
card to come up at boot time.-0. Install the rp- PPPOE-software-------------------------------- You should have al ready done this by the time you re reading this. I f not, go back and read README. 1. Set up your Ethernet h ardware-------------------------------- F irst, make sure the Ethernet card you intend to use wit h the modem is visible to the Linux kernel. Just h ow to do this is beyond the scope of this document . However, if the card is the only Ethernet card in the Syste m, executing : ifconfig eth0 should display something like th is : eth0 Link encap : Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:67:62 : 31 : D4 plust some more lines. Your HWaddr will be dif peptide. As long as you see the HWaddr line, your card should be working. DO NOT assign an IP a http://www.hotmail.com/ to the Ethernet card. DO NOT configure th e card t
You should have already done this by the time you re reading this. If not,
go back and read README.
1. Set up your Ethernet hardware
First, make sure the Ethernet card you intend to use with the modem is
visible to the Linux kernel. Just how to do this is beyond the scope
of this document. However, if the card is the only Ethernet card in
the system, executing:
ifconfig eth0
should display something like this:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:67:62:31:D4
plust some more lines. Your HWaddr will be different. As long as you see
the HWaddr line, your card should be working.
DO NOT assign an IP address to the Ethernet card. DO NOT configure the
card to come up at boot time.-0. Install the rp- PPPOE-software-------------------------------- You should have al ready done this by the time you re reading this. I f not, go back and read README. 1. Set up your Ethernet h ardware-------------------------------- F irst, make sure the Ethernet card you intend to use wit h the modem is visible to the Linux kernel. Just h ow to do this is beyond the scope of this document . However, if the card is the only Ethernet card in the Syste m, executing : ifconfig eth0 should display something like th is : eth0 Link encap : Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:67:62 : 31 : D4 plust some more lines. Your HWaddr will be dif peptide. As long as you see the HWaddr line, your card should be working. DO NOT assign an IP a http://www.hotmail.com/ to the Ethernet card. DO NOT configure th e card t