文件名称:ToolBar 2.1.2
Toolbar2000 README
Thank you for downloading Toolbar2000.
For details on installing and using Toolbar2000, please refer to the
Toolbar2000 help file - tb2k.chm. To open it, double-click it in Windows
This file is in HTML Help format. If you are using an older version of
Windows that does not come with HTML Help, it can be downloaded at:
You will also need Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (5.0 is preferred),
downloadable from:
- Jordan Russell (www.jrsoftware.org)
-Toolbar2000 README Thank you for download ing Toolbar2000. For details on installing and using Toolbar2000. please refer to the help file Toolbar2000- tb2k . chm. To open it, double-click it in Windows Explorer. This file Help is in HTML format. If you are using an older v ersion of Windows that does not come with HTML He lp, it can be downloaded at : http :// anyone/library/en-us/htmlh elp/html/hwMicrosoftHTMLHelpDownloads.as p You will also need Internet Explorer 4.0 or lat er (5.0 is preferred), downloadable from : http :// www.microsoft.com/ie/-Jordan Russell (ww w.jrsoftware.org)
Thank you for downloading Toolbar2000.
For details on installing and using Toolbar2000, please refer to the
Toolbar2000 help file - tb2k.chm. To open it, double-click it in Windows
This file is in HTML Help format. If you are using an older version of
Windows that does not come with HTML Help, it can be downloaded at:
You will also need Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (5.0 is preferred),
downloadable from:
- Jordan Russell (www.jrsoftware.org)
-Toolbar2000 README Thank you for download ing Toolbar2000. For details on installing and using Toolbar2000. please refer to the help file Toolbar2000- tb2k . chm. To open it, double-click it in Windows Explorer. This file Help is in HTML format. If you are using an older v ersion of Windows that does not come with HTML He lp, it can be downloaded at : http :// anyone/library/en-us/htmlh elp/html/hwMicrosoftHTMLHelpDownloads.as p You will also need Internet Explorer 4.0 or lat er (5.0 is preferred), downloadable from : http :// www.microsoft.com/ie/-Jordan Russell (ww w.jrsoftware.org)