劳务公司客户管理系统是一个基于VB和SQL SERVER2000,实现基本的客户管理的系统。管理员可以对客户进行添加、搜索、浏览、删除等操作,及时地了解劳务公司商业来往中客户的基本信息,以便更好的对客户进行更新,处理。用户可以通过自己的密码来进入系统浏览基本客户的信息等操作。本系统是应用了VB和SQL SERVER2000来实现,应用计算机编辑系统来处理,。本文综合了应用前景、综合设计方案、详细设计等内容,为用户介绍了蓝天劳务公司客户管理系统的研制过程。 -services customers is a management system based on VB and SQL Server2000. basically the customer management systems. Administrators can add the right customers to search, browse, delete, etc, timely information services for business customers traveling between the basic information to the right customers better update with them. Users can adopt its own code into the system to browse the basic customer information operations. The system is the application of the VB and SQL Server2000 achieved using computer editing system to handle. In this paper a comprehensive application, integrated design, detailed design, for users of corporate clients sky labor management system development process.
相关搜索: 客户管理