● 主要特点:
1. 采用用户登录模块,具有密码保护功能,在添加和修改文件时,自动记录当前操作用户的名称。
2. 用户添加或修改文件信息时,能够自动获取系统时间(因时间有限,仅在WinXp环境下测试成功),免去手工输入的麻烦。(V1.8新增功能)
3. 每次修改或添加文件完成后,系统自动保存数据文件;提供数据载入模块,发现误操作时,可轻松恢复。
4. 提供六种查找文件方式,并有关键字查找功能,寻找文件极其方便。
5. 列表提供多种显示方式,查看文件信息只需一步操作。
6. 提供过期文件清理功能,过期文件一键通通清除。
-main characteristics : 1. The adoption of user login modules, password protection, the addition and modification of documents, the current operation automatically record the names of users. 2. Users add or modify file information, system can automatically access time (because of the limited time available, only in WinXp successful test environment), eliminating manual input of trouble. (V1.8 new functional) 3. Each modified or added after the completion of documents, the system automatically preserve data files; data contained modules, Misoperation found, can easily restored. 4. Search for the six papers, and a keyword search function to find documents extremely convenient. 5. The list provides a wide range of display options, see file information only step of the operation. 6. Expired doc
1. 采用用户登录模块,具有密码保护功能,在添加和修改文件时,自动记录当前操作用户的名称。
2. 用户添加或修改文件信息时,能够自动获取系统时间(因时间有限,仅在WinXp环境下测试成功),免去手工输入的麻烦。(V1.8新增功能)
3. 每次修改或添加文件完成后,系统自动保存数据文件;提供数据载入模块,发现误操作时,可轻松恢复。
4. 提供六种查找文件方式,并有关键字查找功能,寻找文件极其方便。
5. 列表提供多种显示方式,查看文件信息只需一步操作。
6. 提供过期文件清理功能,过期文件一键通通清除。
-main characteristics : 1. The adoption of user login modules, password protection, the addition and modification of documents, the current operation automatically record the names of users. 2. Users add or modify file information, system can automatically access time (because of the limited time available, only in WinXp successful test environment), eliminating manual input of trouble. (V1.8 new functional) 3. Each modified or added after the completion of documents, the system automatically preserve data files; data contained modules, Misoperation found, can easily restored. 4. Search for the six papers, and a keyword search function to find documents extremely convenient. 5. The list provides a wide range of display options, see file information only step of the operation. 6. Expired doc