假设在周末舞会上,男士们和女士们进入舞厅时,各自排成一队。跳舞开始时,依次从男队和女队的队头上各出一人配成舞伴。若两队初始人数不相同,则较长的那一队中未配对者等待下一轮舞曲。现要求写一算法模拟上述舞伴配对问题。-//dancing question assumes ball on the weekend, the men and ladies entered the ballroom, a procession of their respective teams. Dancing at the beginning, followed by men's and women's teams from the head of the team one night out dancing. If the initial number two is not the same, the longer those teams were not waiting for the next matching a dance. Now wrote a simulation algorithm matching the above problems by dancing.
假设在周末舞会上,男士们和女士们进入舞厅时,各自排成一队。跳舞开始时,依次从男队和女队的队头上各出一人配成舞伴。若两队初始人数不相同,则较长的那一队中未配对者等待下一轮舞曲。现要求写一算法模拟上述舞伴配对问题。-//dancing question assumes ball on the weekend, the men and ladies entered the ballroom, a procession of their respective teams. Dancing at the beginning, followed by men's and women's teams from the head of the team one night out dancing. If the initial number two is not the same, the longer those teams were not waiting for the next matching a dance. Now wrote a simulation algorithm matching the above problems by dancing.